
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Chapter 6: Inspiring a Sense of Purpose

1.  What things or involvements has God called you to abandon as you follow Him more closely?

2.  How has your relationship with Christ shaped "what you want to be when you grow-up"?  How can we help our child(ren) redefine success with God's understanding rather than the world's?

3.  What have you done to make Christ known to the people in your life?

4  In what way does the knowledge that your child(ren) are ultimately God's make it easier/more difficult to raise them?

5.  Read Matthew 6:33 [But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well].  This passage is clear about what our priorities should be, but priorities can easily become skewed in the course of daily life.  Consider the way you send your time and your money.  What does this say to your children about what is most important to you, and is this the message you want to send?  In light of this verse, should a mother's children be her first priority?

Action point-Make concrete resolution that will help you to seek God's kingdom throughout your day.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Chapter 5: On the Mountain-A Model for Inspiration

1.  Have you read Chapter IV: The Laity in Lumen Gentium, the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church?  How are we called to glorify God and share in His creative nature?

2.  Where is your favorite place to encounter Christ?

3.  What visual remembrances of your relationship with the Lord do you cherish?

4.  How are you preparing your child(ren) to go into the world and make disciples for the Lord?

5.  Do you reflect upon the spiritual significance of your role as wife and mother?  How do you emphasize this facet in light of the "details of our lives" that threaten to overwhelm?

Action point-For each child in your household, write out a list of characteristics (personality traits, skills, interests, etc.) that you believe God can use for his purposes.  Referring to the list you just made, write a letter to each child expressing what you see in him or her and affirming that God has a special place for that child in his kingdom purposes.  Whether you share the letter with your child now or save it for a future time depends on your circumstances.  Don't forget to commit this list to the Lord in prayer and specifically ask him for help in inspiring that child to use his or her gifts to help bring about God's kingdom.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Chapter 4: The Grace of Forgiveness in Action

1.  Share a teachable moment you have had with your child(ren) regarding sin.

2.  What role does/should guilt play in our parenting?

3.  The last night Jesus had with his disciples, he called them "little children" (John 13:33).  Does this tell you anything about his attitude toward these grown men who were his most devoted followers?  Read John 14:1 [Let not your hearts be troubled; believe in God, believe also in me.] and see what his continued response was to Peter after he had confronted him with the fact that he would deny Christ.  How does this show the loving grace that Jesus extended to his disciples?  How does he want you to extend it to your children?

4.  The Bible makes it clear that we are to discipline and correct our children when they do wrong.  How do you do this faithfully while still giving them the gift of grace?

5.  What discipline techniques do you find most effective?

Action Point-Make forgiveness an explicit part of your corrective interactions this week.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Chapter 3: The Grace of Encouraging Words

1.  Do you deliberately use "words of life" (encouraging and affirming words) with your child(ren)?  with yourself?  with those outside your home?

2.  The Boys Town Model of Parenting suggests that we strive for a 5:1 ratio of positive/corrective interactions with our child(ren).  Where do you fall most days?  Do you see trends (times, situations, physical stresses) that increase the negative interactions?  Can you take steps to change these circumstances and/or readjust your expectations?

3.  How can we give words of instruction and training without nagging, criticism or reprimands?

4.  Read Romans 2:4 [Or do you presume upon the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience? Do you not know that God's kindness is meant to lead you to repentance?]  According to this verse, what leads us to repent?  How specifically does God what you to extend his grace to your children so that his kindness, through you, will lead them to repentance?

Action Point-Take time this week to express your appreciation to those around you and to God.