
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Chapter 2: The Priest Is Like Jacob's Ladder

*On page 54, Sheen references ex opere operantis, which means "from the doer of the deed," and refers to the disposition of the minister or recipient.

1. What earthly crosses have brought you closer to Heaven? In hindsight, how have they strengthened your faith? (page 32-33)

2. How can we be more open and responsive to the grace of our vocation? (page 39)

3. To what degree and scope is intercessory prayer a part of your spirituality? (page 41)

4. Like the priest, we as wives and mothers often fail to recognize the greatness of our calling. How can we be more mindful of our daily tasks in light of eternity? (page 46)

5. Sheen states that "Silence constitutes an integral part of this [desert] isolation. It is not always proper to speak all that we know." How and when do you make time for silence? What helps you bite your tongue when necessary? (page 48)

6. Are you aware when you are using the fire of the world instead of God's fire? What are the signs? (page 49)

7. Does the world see a difference in our lives as followers of Christ? How can we shine more brightly? (page 47 and 56)

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