
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Chapter 8: Inspiring a New Kind of Love

1.  What are some of the needs of the people that you interact with throughout your week?

2.  How can we better see people through the lens of their need and love them as Jesus does?

3.  What do you do to encourage empathy and compassion in your child(ren)?

4.  Do you put out your 'spiritual antennas' and look for people in need?

5.  Reflect on a time in which Christ's love compelled you to action.

6.  Read Mt 9:36 [When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.]  Can you think of some fears or prejudices in your life or your particular culture that might keep you or your children from seeing people as Jesus did?  (What kinds of people do you tend to shy away from or find it hard to care about?)  What might help you overcome these attitudes?
Action Point-Take a concrete step to stretch yourself in love.

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