
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Chapter 14: Why Make a Holy Hour?

Black Mass (page 233)-the name given to a ceremony supposedly celebrated during the Witches' Sabbath, which was a parody of the Catholic Mass.  Its main objective was the profanation of the Host, although there is no agreement among authors on how Hosts were obtained or profaned.

1.  How do you make time in the Presence of Our Lord?  (page 230)

2.  Is the Sacred Heart enthroned in your home?  What graces has this brought to your family?  (page 232)

3.  Share an example of how you have seen or felt grace through the hands of a priest.  (page 233)

4.  How have you become more "disposed to goodness" as your continue your walk with Christ?  (page 235)

5.  Remember your engagement story.  How does Christ "engage" you?  Do you respond to Him as you did to your fiance?  (page 236)

6.  What external escape from our worries and miseries do we seek?  (page 237)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Chapter 13: Judas and the First Crack in His Priesthood

Definition: unguent (page 214)-ointment: semisolid preparation (usually containing a medicine) applied externally as a remedy or for soothing an irritation

1.  How do we guard against avarice while using prudence (the proximate guidance for the judgment of conscience, see CCC 1806) with our resources?  (page 215)

2.  In our culture of self-determinism, how can we become "slaves of obedience" and teach our child(ren) to do the same?  (page 216)

3.  "The Church, which is the continuing Christ, must always expect such hostile coalitions in times of crisis.  Evil is hypersensitive to goodness.  It detects a challenge to its existence long before good men are awake to the signs of the times."  Perhaps the media fixation with priest scandals are, in part, an attack on the Church's "new springtime" that Pope John Paul II spoke about.  What signs of this springtime do you see?  (page 220)

4.  How much do we emphasize/strive for humility?  (page 221)

5.  As Judas and Nietzsche did, modern media often embraces evil as good.  How can we guard against the trend toward the secular value of moral relativism?  (page 225)

6.  How can we help foster devotion to the Divine Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist in our child(ren)?  (page 229)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Chapter 12: Melchizedek and Bread

1.  How does having a priest from the line of Melchizedek rather than Aaron effect our worship experience?  (pages 200-202)

2.  Do you agree with Sheen that "[f]or the Christian who lives in the realm of grace, the demands of the holiness of God are not less demanding than they were for the Jew under the Old Testament"?  Why or why not?  (page 206)

3.  How is Christ a source of blessing to you?  A source of affliction to those you know who refuse to recognize the power of God?  (page 207)

4.  "What does each of us seek in Christ?  Is it something He has, or is it He?"  (page 212)

5.  What role does Eucharistic devotion play in your spirituality?  (page 212)

6.  How we help our child(ren) foster a holy reverence/fear of God, the sacraments and His dwelling?  (page 211)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Chapter 11: The Return to Divine Favor

1.  What helps keep you going when you want to give up?  (page 185)

2.  How can we move from imperfect contrition (remorse) to perfect contrition (repentance)?  (page 185)

3.  How can we teach our child(ren) and ourselves that obedience is an essential response of love?  (page 192)

4.  How do you express your agapao of your husband and child(ren)?  Your phileo of them?  (pages 192-193)

5.  How have your falls helped you grow in holiness?  (page 196)

6.  What part of St. Francis de Sales advice resonates with you?  (page 199)