
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Session 2: The Introductory Rites

Review introductory workbook material
Book, Part I: Foundations pages 7-14
Skim the prayers of the Mass (Order of full Mass)
     *Questions from the workbook
     What are your first impressions?
     Is there anything in the rites and prayers of the Mass that you have not noticed before?
     What biblical words or images do you notice in the prayers of the Mass?
     What questions about the Mass would you like answered in this study?

Re-read the prayers for the first part of Mass from the opening Sign of the Cross to the Collect (Order of full Mass pages 1-7)
Read book, Part II: Introductory Rites pages 18-49
Workbook pages 6-10

Helpful resources (also bookmarked on separate page):
Revised Standard Version (RSV) searchable Bible
Catechism of the Catholic Church (searchable)
Order of full Mass (printable PDF)
Changes in People's Parts of the Mass (printable PDF)
Changes in Priest's Parts of the Mass (printable PDF)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Session 1: A Biblical Walk Through the Mass


About A Biblical Walk Through the Mass Study (from Ascension Press Website):

A Biblical Walk Through the Mass is a five-part study that provides a unique tour of the timeless Liturgy. Based on the revised translation of the Mass which goes into effect Advent, 2011, it explores the biblical roots of the words and gestures we experience in Mass and explains their profound significance.

Participants in this study will come to know and understand the Mass like never before. They will see, perhaps for the first time, why they say what they say, and do what they do every week at Mass. The words and gestures will be seen in a new light, leading them to a richer, more fruitful worship experience.

Taking this study is the perfect way to receive catechesis on the Mass in the context of the new translation coming Advent, 2011.