
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Episode 2-Happy are We: The Teachings of Jesus

I. Questions about Jesus
     A. Which "version" of Jesus is true?
     B. Who was Jesus? What did he do and say?  What did he mean?
     C. The temptation of the New Age Christ
II. The Path of Joy: The teachings of Jesus
     A. Dominus Iesus and the uniqueness of Jesus of Nazareth
     B. He alone is the Son and the Word of the FAther
     C. Jesus' teaching is a central part of his mission
     D. Jesus' teaching is the focus of early Christian writings
III. The Beatitudes
     A. Joy and freedom for excellence
     B. Two versions in the Gospels
          1. Luke 6:17-49
          2. Matthew 5-7
     C. Reveals the fullness of the Old Law
     D. Expresses the heart of the New Law
     E. Intimate connection between Old and New
     F. The meaning of "happy" or "blessed" is difficult, but essential
     G. The Beatitudes
     H. The Sermon should be understood in light of the Mount of Calvary
     I. The path of non-violence
IV. The Parable of the Prodigal Son (Lk 15:11-32)
     A. A parable about divine mercy (JP II)
     B. We are children of God, yet man chooses autonomy from God
     C. By rendering grace, man exiles himself from familial love and communion
     D. Desperation leads to awareness; better to be a slave than to feed pigs
     E. The father is faithful to his fatherhood and to his son
     F. The ring given by the father is marital, re-establishes right relationship
     G. The older son is no different, in the end, than his brother
     H. The heavenly Father waits for man to respond to his fatherly call
V. Matthew 25
     A. Peter Maurin, Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker
     B. Mother Teresa
     C. Metanoiate: changing the manner in which we see the world.
     D. "The Law of Gift"
Suggested reading:
The Priority of Christ by Robert Barron
And Now I see...: A Theology of Transformation by Robert Barron
Life of Christ by Fulton Sheen
The Lord by Romano Guardini
Dominus Iesus by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
Dives in Misericordia by Pope John Paul II
The Moment of Christian Witness by Hans Urs von Balthasar

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