
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Episode 6-A Body Both Suffering & Glorious: The Mystical Union of Christ and the Church

I. The Mystery of the Church
   A. Can you define "Church" in a single sentence?
   B. The Church is no a human invention; in Christ, "like a sacrament"
   C. The Church is a Body, a living organism
II. Ekklesia
   A. God created the world for communion with him (CCC 760)
   B. Sin scatters; God gathers
   C. The Church takes Christ's life to the nations
III. Four Marks of the Church
   A. One
   B. Holy
   C. Catholic
   D. Apostolic

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Episode 5-The Indispensable Men: Peter, Paul and the Missionary Adventure

I. Unique and United
   A. Principal archetypes for disciples of Chirst
   B. Peter - kingly, leadership, governing
   C. Paul - prophetic, missionary, teacher
   D. United in apostleship and devotino to the Lord
II. Peter of Capharnaum
   A. A fisherman and businessman, married, middle-class
   B. Blustery, direct, stron-willed, but loyal
   C. Name appears 191 in the NT
   D. Transfiguration and Transformation
   E. The Call and the Confession
   F. Peter: Apostle and Witness
III. Paul of Tarsus
   A. Devout Jew with perfect resume
   B. Youth and education
   C. Conversion and Mission
   D. Paul's Theology of Resurrection
   E. Participation in Christ

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Episode 4-Our Tainted Nature's Solitary Boast: Mary, the Mother of God

I. The Annunciation
II. Mary and Zion
III. The Mother of God
IV. The Immaculate Conception
V. The Assumption
VI. The Mother of the Church
VII. Mother of the New Covenant
VIII. Hopkins' The May Magnificat

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Episode 3-Happy are We: The Teachings of Jesus

I. Questions about Jesus
     A. Which "version" of Jesus is true?
     B. Who was Jesus? What did he do and say?  What did he mean?
     C. The temptation of the New Age Christ
II. The Path of Joy: The teachings of Jesus
     A. Dominus Iesus and the uniqueness of Jesus of Nazareth
     B. He alone is the Son and the Word of the FAther
     C. Jesus' teaching is a central part of his mission
     D. Jesus' teaching is the focus of early Christian writings
III. The Beatitudes
     A. Joy and freedom for excellence
     B. Two versions in the Gospels
          1. Luke 6:17-49
          2. Matthew 5-7
     C. Reveals the fullness of the Old Law
     D. Expresses the heart of the New Law
     E. Intimate connection between Old and New
     F. The meaning of "happy" or "blessed" is difficult, but essential
     G. The Beatitudes
     H. The Sermon should be understood in light of the Mount of Calvary
     I. The path of non-violence
IV. The Parable of the Prodigal Son (Lk 15:11-32)
     A. A parable about divine mercy (JP II)
     B. We are children of God, yet man chooses autonomy from God
     C. By rendering grace, man exiles himself from familial love and communion
     D. Desperation leads to awareness; better to be a slave than to feed pigs
     E. The father is faithful to his fatherhood and to his son
     F. The ring given by the father is marital, re-establishes right relationship
     G. The older son is no different, in the end, than his brother
     H. The heavenly Father waits for man to respond to his fatherly call
V. Matthew 25
     A. Peter Maurin, Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker
     B. Mother Teresa
     C. Metanoiate: changing the manner in which we see the world.
     D. "The Law of Gift"
Suggested reading:
The Priority of Christ by Robert Barron
And Now I see...: A Theologyof Transformation by Robert Barron
Life of Christ by Fulton Sheen
The Lord by Romano Guardini
Dominus Iesus by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
Dives in Misericordia by Pope John Paul II
The Moment of Christian Witness by Hans Urs von Balthasar

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Episode 2-Happy are We: The Teachings of Jesus

I. Questions about Jesus
     A. Which "version" of Jesus is true?
     B. Who was Jesus? What did he do and say?  What did he mean?
     C. The temptation of the New Age Christ
II. The Path of Joy: The teachings of Jesus
     A. Dominus Iesus and the uniqueness of Jesus of Nazareth
     B. He alone is the Son and the Word of the FAther
     C. Jesus' teaching is a central part of his mission
     D. Jesus' teaching is the focus of early Christian writings
III. The Beatitudes
     A. Joy and freedom for excellence
     B. Two versions in the Gospels
          1. Luke 6:17-49
          2. Matthew 5-7
     C. Reveals the fullness of the Old Law
     D. Expresses the heart of the New Law
     E. Intimate connection between Old and New
     F. The meaning of "happy" or "blessed" is difficult, but essential
     G. The Beatitudes
     H. The Sermon should be understood in light of the Mount of Calvary
     I. The path of non-violence
IV. The Parable of the Prodigal Son (Lk 15:11-32)
     A. A parable about divine mercy (JP II)
     B. We are children of God, yet man chooses autonomy from God
     C. By rendering grace, man exiles himself from familial love and communion
     D. Desperation leads to awareness; better to be a slave than to feed pigs
     E. The father is faithful to his fatherhood and to his son
     F. The ring given by the father is marital, re-establishes right relationship
     G. The older son is no different, in the end, than his brother
     H. The heavenly Father waits for man to respond to his fatherly call
V. Matthew 25
     A. Peter Maurin, Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker
     B. Mother Teresa
     C. Metanoiate: changing the manner in which we see the world.
     D. "The Law of Gift"
Suggested reading:
The Priority of Christ by Robert Barron
And Now I see...: A Theology of Transformation by Robert Barron
Life of Christ by Fulton Sheen
The Lord by Romano Guardini
Dominus Iesus by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
Dives in Misericordia by Pope John Paul II
The Moment of Christian Witness by Hans Urs von Balthasar

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Episode 1-Amazed and Afraid

Part 1:
  1. Both God and Human
  2. Jesus is Lord
Part 2:
  1. The work of Jesus, the Messiah
  2. The first task: Gathering the tribes of Israel
  3. The second task: Cleansing the Temple of God
  4. The third task: Dealing with the enemies of Israel
  5. The fourth task: Reigning as Lord of Nations
Suggested Reading:
The Priority of Christ by Robert Barron
Jesus and the Victory of God by N. T. Wright
The Everlasting Manby G. K. Chesterton
Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis
Lord Jesus Chist: Devotion to Jesus in Earliest Christianity by Larry W. Hurtado
The Divine Comedy by Dante

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


For the first time, in breathtaking and high-definition cinematography, the truth, goodness, and beauty of Catholicism are illustrated in a multimedia experience. Journey with Fr. Robert Barron to more than 50 locations throughout 16 countries. Be illuminated by the spiritual and artistic treasures of this global culture that claims more than one billion of the earth’s people.
From the sacred lands of Israel to the beating heart of Uganda, from the glorious shrines of Europe to the streets of Mexico, Kolkata, and New York City, the mysteries of CATHOLICISM are revealed.  Learn what Catholics believe and why.  Discover the full meaning of the faith.
-from Catholicism overview

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Chapters 27-30

1.  How do you see spiritual discipline and physical discipline as related?

2.  How can we encourage our family members to find their identity in Christ and not in externals?

3.  What is the source of your husband's faith?  Who/what helps him grow in this area?

4.  How do you trust in the goodness of God's plan when circumstances are negative?

Action Point-Thank God for the gift of faith.

Personal Reflection-Do you encourage rather than nag your husband?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Chapters 23-26

1.  How do you encourage your husband to seek and find God's will?

2.  How do you ensure that your family speaks words that edify and bring life?

3.  In addition to the sacrament of confession, how do your foster repentance in your home?

4.  How does the armor of God build us up against the devil?

Personal Reflection-Examine the words you speak as a reflection of your heart.

Action Point-Pray that you would see the sin in your life as God sees it and be truly repentant.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Chapters 21 and 22

Ch. 21
1.  What preconceived ideas are hindering you from loving your spouse as-is?

2.  What do you do to strengthen your marriage relationship?

Ch. 22
3.  Share an example of how prayer has helped overcome negative emotion in your family.

4.  How are we called to act as instruments of restoration in our homes?

Personal Reflection-In what way does the devil use negative emotions to influence your husband? you?

Action Point-Pray for your marriage with your husband.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Chapters 19 and 20

Ch. 19
1.  How can we stop negativity from taking root in our homes?

2.  What tools do you use to keep from being discouraged in the face of your family members' habitual sin?

Ch. 20
3.  How do you react to bad attitudes (your own or others)?

4.  How do you cultivate a culture of thankfulness in your family?

Personal Reflection-What habitual sin do you need to be freed from?  Ask God to take away your affection for this sin.

Action Point-Start a gratitude journal.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Chapters 16, 17 and 18

Ch. 16
1.  How do you take time to make your husband feel like he is a priority?

Ch. 17
2.  How do other godly couples enrich your marriage?

Ch. 18
3.  How is God the Father visible in your husband's fatherhood?

Personal Reflection-Examine your schedule and see if your own priorities are in order.

Action point-Pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance in whatever parenting challenges arise this week.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Chapters 14 and 15

Ch. 14
1.  How do you foster integrity in your home?

2.  What has been the price of integrity for your husband?

Ch. 15
3.  What practical steps can you take in the face of misunderstood motives?

4.  How do you guard your husband's reputation?

Personal Reflection-Examine how you speak of your husband, aloud and in your thoughts.

Action Point-Express your appreciation of your husbands goal to please God and do what is right.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Chapters 12 and 13

Ch. 12

1.  What are the known battlefields in your husband's life?

2.  Share an experience of the protecting hand of God.

Ch. 13

3.  How do you maintain an attitude of thankfulness and praise?

4.  What growth has came in your marriage as a result of trials?

Personal Reflection-Are there ways that you try to take away your husbands burdens that you should not?  What can/should you do instead?

Action Point-Pray for your husband's safety.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Chapters 10 and 11

Ch. 10
1.  How has God used your "women's intuition" to influence your husband's choices?

2.  As a couple, how do you discern God's will when faced with a decision?

Ch. 11
3.  What do you do/say to encourage a healthy lifestyle in your home?

4.  Share an example of a healing prayer that has been answered.

Action Point-Practice holding your tongue when your husband says/does something you consider foolish and take the opportunity to pray for him instead.

Personal Reflection-How does the Catholic understanding of redemptive suffering help you cope when your loved ones are ill?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Chapters 8 and 9

Ch. 8
1.  How do you help your husband confront/overcome his fears?

2.  What significant things have happened in your life as a couple when you cast off fear?

Ch. 9
3.  How do you help your husband hear God's call?

4.  How are you called to help and support his purpose?

Personal Reflection-What is the purpose to which God has called you?  How does that mesh with your husband's purpose?

Action Point-Identify an area of fear in your life as a couple and take steps to combat it.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Chapters 6 and 7

Ch. 6
1.  What practical means do you use to help protect your husband from temptations?

2.  Does your husband have godly prayer partners?  How do you help foster these relationships?

Ch. 7
3.  How can you help your husband practice discernment of spirits?

4.  In what way(s) do you incorporate the Word of God in your prayers as a couple?

Personal Reflection-How can you better put on the mind of Christ and see things from an eternal perspective?

Action Point-Identify an area of temptation/struggle for your husband.  Pray and/or make specific sacrifices this week to guard him in this area.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Chapters 4 and 5

Ch. 4
1.  How does John Paul ll's Theology of the Body help you to appreciate the gift of sexuality in your marriage?

2.  What strategies do you use to make the marital act a priority in your relationship?

Ch. 5
3.  How do you encourage your husband to be affectionate?

4.  What helps you to speak words from love and not hurt?

Personal Reflection-Are there areas where God is asking you to change?

Action Point-Do something to make yourself feel attractive.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Chapters 2 and 3

Ch. 2
1.  How can we help our husbands strike the balance between work and leisure?

2.  Does your husband's work provide a source of fulfillment and sense of purpose?  How can you encourage him in frustrating moments?

Ch. 3
3.  What tools/advice have helped you and your husband grow in your financial stewardship?

4.  How does your stewardship as a couple expand beyond money?

Personal Reflection-Make a list of your husband's gifts and make an effort to point them out to him.

Action Point-Review your household budget with your husband.  Is everything in order?